Trade Data Intelligence for Press/Media

Whether you want to cross-check your facts or build an authentic story on global trade,
Trade Exim Solutions Intel’s trade data intelligence solutions for press & media will help you understand international relations beyond headlines.

  • Make your trade stories authentic
    Documentary evidence of all the global trade transactions and statistics that you can include in your stories
  • Keep up with Industry Trends
    Analyze global trade data or use ready insights to know recent trends in the global trade
  • Understand trade between countries beyond headlines
    After analysing trade data, you can better understand the trade relations between different countries
  • Track your favorite enterprises
    With global trade data for press & media, uncover global procurement and exports strategy of large businesses for stories on them
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Build a Better Story on Global Trade

Trade Exim SolutionsIntel Intel will give you data of over 60 million trade transactions and details
of over 3 million Importers and Exporters globally.